Is there anybody out there?

So many people never live to know if they have made any impact on the world or anyone in it.
However, some of us are lucky enough to hear from our fans while we're still alive.
And fans are cool!
I mean, think about it. A fan is someone who doesn't know you and reaps no benefit from your success or failure. They were just strolling by a bookstore or library one day, saw the cover of your book and for whatever reason, they were motivated to buy or borrow it. Now, you can't get all swollen-headed about this - they probably bought your book because the cover was pretty. So kudos to the art department, but nothing for you yet.
So this stranger grants you some moments in their life. They read your book. And maybe they like it. That's cool. But you'll never know. I mean, are you going to email every author of every book you read and tell them what you think of it? No, of course you aren't. But then every once in a while, someone was really impressed or moved by your book, there was something that touched their lives enough that they actually took the time to write you a note and tell you.
And then that email hurtles its way across cyber-space and if it is lucky enough to make it past all your security software, you'll actually get to read it.

It's like getting a hug....(from George Clooney - well you can't blame a girl for dreaming)!
So I want to say thank you to those wonderful people who have granted me a few moments out of their lives to let me know that my books have touched them in some way. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it. Us authors don't get out much - and we sure don't get a chance to meet our "public" much either - so these notes are worth their weight in gold. They honestly mean the world to me.
When I started writing, I always said that if I touched just one person, it would all be worth it. And now I know I have. Thank you.

And hugs and kisses to my friends too, who support me endlessly here in between notes from fans! Carol, Ramona, Joe, Terry, mom and dad, George for lighting all those candles, and everyone at the office - your patience and enthusiasm are boundless and I will never be able to truly thank you all!
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