What scares you the most?

Do you know what scares me the most about Halloween? Going to the grocery store. Seriously. From about August onward every time I enter the grocery store I am surrounded by chocolate bars. Little mini chocolate bars packaged up in bags of twenty fives, fifties, or even one hundreds and twenty fives. The tower over you, at the entrance to every store. They wait for you at the end of every aisle. You turn and corner, thinking you're safe, and then they pounce on you for some sort of display case. It's terrifying. How many times can you be strong and walk past them without them turning up in your cart? How strong is one person supposed to be?

And somehow, if you manage to get through the season and survive the onslaught of the killer chocolate bars and the resulting weight management issues, then you're still not safe. Because the day after Halloween, they go on sale. So you've got another week or so of 30% off or two for one. And then if you survive that, thinking you'll finally walk past all those shelves and maybe they'll finally be filled with fresh fruit or high fiber granola bars you're wrong. You still won't be safe. Because Christmas is looming around the corner and suddenly you'll be surrounded by After Eight's, Chocolate Covered Cherries and Turtles. Then there's the 50% off sale after Christmas, which is really only a lead in to Valentine's Day and by the time they get that cleared up it's Easter and you're surrounded by chocolate bunnies and eggs and you're not going to be safe again until well into May.
And that's why going to the grocery store is the scariest part of Halloween.
But on the other hand, right now I'm looking forward to those toffees that are wrapped in the orange paper with black witches on them. Next week I'll have to start thinking of ways to justify that box of Turtles.
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