So you want to be an author?

All about writing and everything related to writing.

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Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Deborah: I'm a published author of the Kate Carpenter Mysteries. I write, and I teach workshops and classes. I have lost 140 pounds! Arlene: I'm a PhD psychologist, working with chronic pain patients. I have lost 40 pounds. Kelly: I'm a registered dietitian who works hard to maintain my weight and fitness level with healthy diet and lots of exercise.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Where'd all the fun go?

I haven't written anything for a while here. Why? Because there's nothing that's made me feel passionate or inspired enough. Where's all the interesting stuff gone on the internet? Why isn't anyone fighting or arguing or even just saying stupid things that we can all talk about? I mean since Disney closed their fat kids ride, everything is just boring. Even half the people who's blogs I read haven't posted much this week. I thought the dog days were August, not March. Come on people, give me something.

Perhaps it's because my place is torn apart in renos too - which is crushing whatever spirit I might have left. LOL Hopefully that dust will settle soon (four weeks I think).

Maybe I just need some sunshine. Maybe that's where all my bloggies are - out enjoying the spring. I'm going to try that too.

Maybe I'll see you out there.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Freedom 1/Censors 0. PayPal did not cave! You can all have A Very Bad Day for FREE one day only. Coupon code VA35N. Enjoy!

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Sunday, March 04, 2012

Writing it down

I'm curious. I've started reading blogs. I'm really not sure how I feel about blogs, she says while writing any entry into hers. But blogs seem to be a way to express yourself, but more than that. If it were just an expression, then you wouldn't hit the publish button, right? You'd keep it to yourself. So because you publish a blog, are you seeking support, companionship, justification?

I'm also curious because I see people stop writing when bad things happen. Specifically, what I've noticed this month, is that when people who are trying to lose weight are losing weight - they are writing blog entries every single day. When they are struggling and/or gaining, they disappear. Well, we know that not writing it down doesn't mean it isn't happening. Whether you blog or not, you are still gaining weight. So if the blog was to reach out, then why aren't you reaching out now, when you most need the support?

So I want to know why people blog. And why people only blog during the good times.

I know I blog for a couple of reasons. I blog to market my writing, I blog because I don't have a diary. I blog because I live alone and sometimes I just have to say something - and blogging feels like I'm saying it to someone.

So if anyone is reading, I'm curious as to what blogging means to you.